PMCV – Hitting The Ground Running (HTGR)

PMCV - Hitting The Ground Running (HTGR)

15mayAll Day17PMCV - Hitting The Ground Running (HTGR)PMCV Virtual Event - Wednesday 15th May and Friday 17th May, 8am - 7pm

Event Details

Banner image for Hitting the Ground Running Course - Virtual - 11th Aug 2023

To register to the virtual course

Cost $440

The HTGR program is open to International Medical Graduates (IMGs) employed or about to commence employment within the Australian Health System (Hospital-based and General Practice) in all Australian states/territories.

The program integrates all required non-hospital/practice specific orientation content to assist with the initial 3 month orientation reporting requirement to Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) / Medical Board of Australia (MBA).

The program covers the following sessions:

Legislation and Professional Practice
– Legislative Frameworks, including the Coroner’s Act
– Litigation and Indemnity
– Patient rights and responsibilities, Patient complaints Patient
– Consent and Adolescent Autonomy
– Child Safety
– Access to health/medical records and Confidentiality

First Nations Australians Cultural Awareness

– History of Aboriginal culture, colonisation, and government policy
– Understanding/concept of health
– Aboriginal Health Issues
– Working with Aboriginal patients

Communication & Cultural Safety in the workplace
– Cultural awareness; safety; respect and competence
– Doctor – patient relationship
– Communication Strategies

Orientation to the Australian Healthcare System
– Structure & Funding
– Medicare Australia
– Prescribing – Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Provider & Prescriber Numbers
– Interface between private and public health services


Part 1 – 20th March 2024
Registration 7:45 – 8:00 PMCV
First Nations Cultural Awareness 8:00 – 10:00 Ms Emma Leehane
Break 10:00 – 10:30
Legislation and Professional Practice 10:30 – 12:30 Ms Jo-Anne Mazzeo
Part 2 – 22nd March 2024
Orientation to the Australian Healthcare System 14:45 – 16:30 Dr Sean Fabri
Break 16:30 – 17:00
Communication and Cultural Safety 17:00 – 19:00 Dr Sean Fabri

Cancellations & rescheduling: 

PMCV courses are subject to minimum and maximum group numbers. Courses may be cancelled or postponed if minimum numbers are not achieved by the scheduled date. Courses may close prior to the start date if the maximum numbers are achieved. In both situations, applicants will be re-scheduled to the next available course.

1 week’s notice, or 5 business days, will be given in case of course rescheduling or cancellation.

For further information on the Hitting the Ground Running (HTGR) Program, please email



may 15 (Wednesday) - 17 (Friday)



533 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Level 8

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